Saturday, October 31, 2009

The outline is done!

Its done! I worked on it all day and churned out my second book outline. I finished it just a few minutes ago. I love what I have plan and I can't wait for November to start. All I have left to do is tweak some stuff on novel one's outline. Work my outlines more to reflect the theme of my character. Work her brother into the second novel. And then work on the character bios some, but I think I know these characters already like they are my babies. Let me tell you, outlining is a must. I hate doing it, but once I get into it I don't want to be disturbed and its just a wonderful creative flow. So its like a love/hate relationship with it. I can't wait to see how it affects my writing in the end. So the countdown has officially begun. Until then, I need to get some sleep and do some things today to keep my mind off the countdown. Everyone enjoy your day to today and have a happy and safe Halloween. :-)

Writing away,

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Outline one is done!!!

It was almost as exciting as finishing the novel. It was kind of weird. So excited to get it typed up. I am wondering if I should do a third outline if I have time. I am worried with the outline that I may hit 50k way before the end of the month and I want to keep going so I don't feel "bored" with nothing to type. In any case I do know what the third novel will be about, so I guess I will outline it for either NaNo or for when I am done with my second novel. I have the "theme" for novel two. Now I will spend the next day working on the outline. Ugh!!! So excited. I can't wait for November to start!!! Ahhh!!! Ok, just had to toot my horn. Bye for now.

Writing away,

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My incentive.


Yeah its silly, but if it gets me to write, then what's the harm right? :-)

Get it together girl!

I need to scream that to myself right now. I have plenty of time to work on my outlines and I am wasting it by surfing the web!!! Ok, I need an incentive to work on these things. I already see they will help me greatly in writing my novels, but I just hate this trying to come up with the next thing that will happen. I'm trying to force it and well that just doesn't work well with me I guess. Sucks so bad. But I will do it. I will turn on some Christmas tunes...wait...that's it. They have a Bing Crosby cd at Target I want. My mom had the tape when I was a kid and I loved it. I want the cd. If I finish my outline before the 31st for BOTH novels I get to buy the cd without any buyer's remorse. :-) Let's see if that works. Off to outline. Bye for now.

Writing away,

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Outlining is getting easier.

Ok, so you know how in my last post I said that I didn't like the inital first draft writing? I think its because I went into it without an outline. Now the outline for the first novel is coming along nicely. Its literally flowing from me. Problem is, I need a second novel outline before the 31st!!! I'm a little nervous. My sister is taking her driving test tomorrow, so I am taking my pad and paper tomorrow and working on my novel outline. I plan to finish novel one's outline tomorrow and work on novel two's for the last few days of the month. Somehow I think I will be working on outline up to the last minute of the 31st. Its ok. As long as I get it done before midnight on Nov. 1st. Omg I am honestly so excited about this. Can I do it? Will I do it? Will these be the novels to make me a published author? Ahhh!!! So excited. So nervous. happy. :-D Ok, done being a goober now. I need some sleep. More tomorrow. Laters.

Writing away,

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Authors on Writing

So, in prep for NaNo, I wanted to read some writer's blogs and found this article through one of them about authors and how they feel about writing. Its shocking to read the different views from the different authors. At some point through the writing process I am all of them. There are times I loathe writing, while other times I love it. A lot of the time I am shocked and amazed at the words on the screen, wondering where I pulled them from.

It was refreshing to see that the feelings I have towards writing are not just my thinking, but are shared by other writers as well. Ok that sentence was odd for me. I don't consider myself a writer actually. I consider myself an attempting writer. Writer in training perhaps? Well, anything but actual writer. I feel a writer is someone who has something published. Until then we are just writers in training. I know other people feel if you write you are a writer, but I just feel you need something published to solidify that claim.

So anyway, the outlines for my novels are not coming along so well. I got lazy this month because I didn't want to face the task of working on the outline. I will have to do that daunting task of writing out all the scenes and character bios and ugh, I hate this part. I mean I like it also. I love coming up with characters and their backgrounds, but it is so hard to. Trying to figure out who they are and sometimes those bitches don't want to talk. Ahhhh!!! I got lucky because I am working on a series and these characters will be repeating for the most part in the other stories and I will only need to make up one or two bios per book for other characters or expand on some older characters as they change and their lives change.

This series I think will have a run-off series near the end of it. I plan to write about my young female character until she graduates. Then I will make her niece the focus of my novel attention who will be starting kindergarten, and my main character will do cameos.

Oh yeah, made a banner for my book. Just was bored one day and thought it would be fun to make one. What do you think?

I will need to make one for the second novel eventually. Not even sure what that adventure will hold yet and I only have a week left!!! Omg!!! Ok, today I will work hard on my outlines. I must have then done by Oct. 31st, since the family is planning a little Halloween moviethon. They know it must be done by midnight because I shall be typing away by then. Ahh, so excited about this. I'm scared too. I want to win. I want to finish both novels. I want to do it so badly, but I just don't know if I will make it this year. Last year was hard for me. This year will be hard also. I won't fool myself into thinking this will be a walk in the park. I guess I'm one of those writers who does not like to write the first draft. I am sure revising will be the fun part for me. But the initial first draft part is hard for me to do. Ughhhh!!! Ok, suck it up girl! Ok, I'm fine...or at least I will be fine. :-) Ok, gotta go, gonna work on some outlining. More laters.

Writing away,

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I finished my novel...

And I feel kind of "blah" about it. I thought I would feel so much more. I mean yesterday I could feel it was coming to an end. And a lot of the things I saw happening in the end didn't for some reason. And I ended it on a cliffhanger, which is about the only thing I knew would happen. I mean I guess its because I know that there is SO much left to do on the story now that the actual plot is coming to me now that I finished it. I know, I can I write a story with no plot? Well it has a plot, but the plot thickened as I neared the end. So now I have to go back in fill it in. Which, what I recently learned, is what all writers have to do. So maybe on my revisions I will get that happy giggly feeling that my story is done. But for now, its about a year's hard work put to temporary rest. I will put it away for a couple of months then come back to it with a fresh mind and attitude. But yeah, that about it. Humm...wait a minute...change everything I just said.

I JUST FINISHED MY NOVEL!!! WOOT!!! WOOT!!! WOOT!!! WOOT!!! *Does Snoopy Dance.*

*Catches breath.* Ok, like literally I just got all excited. Maybe it was a delayed reaction. LOL! I finished it! I'm ready to move on to the next novel. And just, wow. :-D I know there's a lot more to fill in on that story, but for now the bulk of it is out. I've got my notes for when I return to it. And I am ready to move on. Nano, here I come!!!

Writing away,

Monday, October 5, 2009

The race is on!

To finish my first NaNoWriMo novel before November starts. I'm almost there. A couple of thousand more and I should finish it. I am also working on the outline for two novels I will be working on next year. I'm also trying to recruit others to join me this year in writing a novel. Most of them want to do it, but most of them don't want to put in the effort. So I may go it alone. My mom MAY do it with me, but we will have to see. I will up date you more about how my novel is going more tomorrow. Until then, bed calls me. Bye for now.

Writing away,