Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Write On Con first event chat.

So I just finished with the first chat of Write On Con and it was so informative.  I need to find where the transcript of it will be because so much was discussed.  This chat event was: Live Chat with Literary Agent Suzie Townsend.  Suzie had a lot to say when it comes to what agents are looking for in a manuscript.

So many things I would not have thought about were discussed.  It makes me a little nervous about my writing, wondering if it’s any good, but also it made me think that some of the stories I thought were a waste of time really aren’t and they need a little pep put into them.  All along I thought something was missing and I was right and I am going to go about my MG novels a different way.  My current YA novel is still on the cooker too, but I just don’t know how to attack this current chapter, but being around like minds made me want to jump in on it today.

There is another chat coming up this evening, I am looking forward to it.  Perhaps I can have some of my chapter written by that time tonight.  Can’t wait to see what I learn from it.

Writing away,

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