I hope all of you had an awesome Christmas. Mine was ok. It ended up being mostly just another day for me. This year has really turned out to be a bust for me when it comes to writing. I’ve come up with MANY plots for stories, one just recently that I think will be two different kinds of novels in the end, and well I just really haven’t sat down to work on anything. I think it’s my lack of belief in myself when it comes to writing. I just worry I suck at it, and heck I probably do. And I know I need to suck before I can be good, but when I write the suckage just doesn’t seem to be getting any less suckier. So I guess that’s why this year I was disheartened. I didn’t win Nanowrimo, and I’m not upset by it. It just wasn’t in me. And honestly, I don’t know if I will do Nanowrimo again. I think I am beyond it now. I don’t need an event to write. I need good old fashioned butt in seat fingers on keyboard, or pen on paper as the case can be sometimes.
Next year I want to get back into writing again and writing more. I am thinking about going to school for English/Literature, but I’m not sure if that will help me more or be a waste of money. I have until the fall to figure it out. But for now I’m just going to squirrel away my plot bunnies and ride out the rest of this year.
I hope this Christmas found you all happy and well and gave you plenty of down time to write. I will talk to you all soon. Take care until then. Bye for now.
Longing to crawl into bed and call it a wrap on Christmas 2011,