Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I finished my novel!!!

The second one for the month. I now need to come up with a few stories to write to make up for the last 15,000 words. I am so not stressing about it. I am so far ahead of the game and I still plan to finish before Thanksgiving. Once I get started I know I will be able to knock out the rest of the words in no time. I am working on a story that I have wanted to write for years now. I just need to find a story similar to what I want my story to look like to see what kind of words I should be working with. Ahhh!!! So excited and in disbelief. I'll miss Nicole and her friends since after this month I am going back to Andrea for a while, but its all cool. As for now, I'm going to go exercise and then come back and work on my next story. Eeeee!!! I finished another novel!!!

Writing away,

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